Five years have passed. I haven't felt it. I didn't expect it will last this long.
But how about You? Are You Happy? Well, I know You are.
But also, I know I've hurt You that much.
And now, I don't know what path I'm taking.
I do not know where should I go.
I do not know what should I think about.
And this became my favorite word - "WHY?"
And my favorite phrase - "I don't know."
Now, I can only think of one.
Has our covenant expired?
I know it should not. NEVER.
But if ever it has, I appeal for renewal.
I know You'd be glad to sign it.
But can i ask for a favor?
Can You please hold my hand as i sign it?
At least I would feel that I'll never be alone on this job.
And one last thing.
Can You hug me?
I missed You.
I've broke so many promises.
I've turned away many times.
Will You still love me?
[ sigh.. ]
I know You will.
..and I will.. too.