It was blue. Then it became bluer. Now, is it bluest? Hmm, let me think.

I opened that door. It was my choice. No one forced me. But honestly, I didn’t intend to come in, I just wanted to see. But I guess, ‘inside’ was good enough to entice me. I went in. And again, it was my choice.

It was white. Then it turned yellow. Slowly, it turned pink. Then it turned red. I stopped.
Do I like red? Hmm, I guess not. Can I pull back ‘white’? Or if not, maybe ‘pink’? It’s fine with me. But wait, why it’s ‘Green’ who’s coming? Uh-oh, this might be a disaster. Red plays hot and cold with green. Sometimes Red loves Green, sometimes hate collides with it. Hmm. Panic rush.

But what now, Blue is coming. As I’ve thought so. Why can’t Red let go of Green? And why can’t Blue stay there outside? Will they always follow each other?

Oh well, I think that’s really their ‘destiny’. Anyway, they blend perfectly – Red plus a little bit of Green and a sprinkle of Blue.. Truly, the thrill goes on.

And if maybe, just maybe, I’ll get tired of them, I know I can always go to the back door and get out. But I guess that will be a little hard, Red has covered the exit. But I have this feeling that Blue will somehow help me find it. So for the moment, let me just enjoy the journey with Green.

[Diary excerpt from Gray]
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