Journo. That is her name.

This blog space started in the year 2008 and I’ve journeyed with her since then. She is almost always the first one to whom I run to when I needed ‘someone’ to listen. And she never failed me.

It’s been four years my friend, and those four years will always be marked here in the cyber world. I will always be thankful for having you around. Thank you for being the outlet of all my emotions. Thank you for being available anytime, just as long as I have internet connection. Hehe. Good thing you don’t have emotions. You don’t feel the pains I have and you don’t get annoyed when I’m cranky and all. But there’s a big ‘sayang’, for you don’t also feel whenever I’m in great joy. SAYANG :)

Now as I look back to our journey together, I’ve seen that I’ve been so unfair for letting you digest the bitter food I can’t swallow. As I flip your pages, I can see that somehow I’ve failed to be a blessing to others. As I flip your pages, I see that I’ve been so emotional that sometimes it’s so annoying.

Yeah maybe I can debate with that. The very purpose why I befriended you is to have an ‘outlet’, not to inspire other people as they take a look on you.  But since I publicized my friendship with you in the year 2010, I knew it’s my indirect job if not to encourage others, at least not to discourage them. But I guess I failed a little bit with that.

It’s been a memorable journey with you my friend. And I guess it is time to bid goodbye. Don’t worry, I’ll be visiting you from time to time. You will be the one who will remind me of those emo-moments I had and the lessons I’ve learned from those.

Thank you for the four years my friend. I’m gonna miss you big time.

And to my friends who have been with me and checking on me thru this site, THANK YOU. Don’t worry, I won't be far away for wordpress is still there for me.

For now, this is Journo, signing off.

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1 Response
  1. jhopen Says:


    but yeah. there's a great reason for this.

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