“It’s easier to choose between RIGHT and WRONG than to choose between RIGHT and RIGHT.”

For so long, this fact has stayed a fact in my life. From the simple decisions of what to wear for the day, where to eat for dinner, how to spend slack time and when to listen to secular songs up to what message is the best for a Life Group meeting, where to go and share the gospel, how to raise funds for mission trips and when to give up personal dreams for the sake of God’s call.
Six years have passed and I thought I’ve known Him so well. Never had I realized that every day is a new day to discover a little secret from Him.

Today, June 24, 2011, is a rainy Friday. We’re supposed to have Champions Gathering at church with Ptr.Loi, but it was cancelled due to typhoon Falcon. So since I can’t go out, I decided to stay home and have a wonderful date with God. I haven’t realized that it was what I needed for a very long time.

It’s too difficult to speak out, eventhough I know He hears every single cry of my heart. It was so hard to let tears fall eventhough He knows how long I’ve been crying inside. It’s so heartbreaking.  It’s so.. I don’t know. I will never run out of words.. but I just can’t explain how God talks to me now. He’s so tender. He’s so compassionate. He’s so loving. He’s so gracious. I can’t say it enough.

As this year started, I’ve decided to gave my life to Him. But now I’m thinking if it’s really what He wants me to do. Two months passed since I was called “full-time”. And now, I’m in a big dilemma. What is it? Uhm, I can’t explain. Or better yet, it’s just between me and God.

I love Him with all my heart, soul and mind. But there are just things which make things mixed up. There will come a time when you don’t know what’s right and what’s wrong; you can’t decide when to say ‘yes’ and ‘no’; you don’t know if you should say ‘sorry’ or not; etcetera, etcetera..

And now, my annual sickness is coming thru me. What is that? Again, it’s just between me and God.
All I know is that He gave me this life, this wonderful life. Whether I see it as wonderful or not, it doesn’t matter. God sees it that way anyway. And His perspective is the only thing that matters.

No matter what this “situation” brings me, I know I’ll survive, I’ll stand up again and fight with my fists firmly holding the sword. I’ll run this race and finish strong. I can perfectly remember that I’ve said this line a year ago. But as I look back, that thing which made me say these words was just a small thing compared to what I’m going thru right now. And so maybe next year, if God allows to me live up to that time, I’ll be facing a larger one. And so, I’ve got to hold my shield as well.

The battle field is waiting for me to win this. I’m coming and I’ll be victorious.

And do you know what keeps me going?

His tender voice that says…

“That’s my girl..  strong and courageous!”


This is the right way. I know.
Never go there. I won’t.
Stay beside me. I will.

Stop searching. I’m not.
Stop pretending. I’m not.
Stop lying.

Huh? Me? Oh, You’re barking at the wrong tree God.


Hey! You left me again!

What now God? Where are You?

(whisper) God, still there? I’m afraid..

Okay I give up. You’re right.
But is it wrong? Is it a sin to pretend? I’m just protecting myself.

I can protect you.
From me? From my very own self? From my very own deceiving emotions?
Yes. Only if you will allow me.
I do allow You. It’s just.. I can’t control it. I can’t control my heart.
Because you didn’t surrender it.
I did!
Uhm, yeah.. I think so..
No. You didn’t. You don’t trust me.
I do!
Of course!
Then why do you panic?
What? Me? Of course not!
Are you sure? You can take it back. I mean your answer. Do you need life line?
Oh God, are you joking around?
I’m not. You are. You call me God but still you lie to me. I am God. I know everything, even the deepest part of your heart, I know it.
Yes, I know that.
That’s why I surrender to You everything.
Okay. So now don’t panic.
I’m not.. Uh.. Uhm.. I mean, maybe a li’l bit.
You’re joking around.
(Sigh) Okay. Maybe I really am. And I don’t want it. You will help me, right?
Of course. I’m just here, as always.
Thank you God.

I love you, my child.
I love you, too.

I love you more.

(whisper) I know…


I had a dream, a WEIRD dream. And it’s one of the weirdest dreams I can vividly remember.

I met a man, a good looking young man. He was wearing black leather shoes, black pants and gray long sleeves with a blue tie. He looked like a young businessman who came across a noisy street looking for something he doesn’t even know.

“Hi Miss! Do you know the way going to Cubao?” and he smiled.

I stared at him.


“Cubao, Miss. How can I get there? I’m not familiar with this place. I came from Muntinlupa City Jail.”

“City Jail?!”

He laughed softly. “Yeah, City Jail. Tumakas lang kasi ako eh.”

“Huh?!?” I didn’t know what to say. I wanted to laugh but he looked serious.

I got puzzled. 

“Tumakas ka lang? What do you mean?”

“I’m a prisoner. Oh no, WAS a prisoner.”

“You’re a prisoner…?” And I looked at him from head to toe. “With that suit?” (Was he Leviste transformed to a young handsome man? Hahaha)

He smiled again. “Yeah. I’m a prisoner with this nice suit.”


“Miss, would you mind if I’ll go with you?”

I was stunned. And blankly, I said “Okay….”

We walked. And he asked some personal questions. (Those I can’t remember. I just know I felt weird while he was asking me.)

Then we stopped in a corner. There were so many people there.

“Here ( I pointed right ), this is the way to Cubao. And here ( I pointed left ), this is the way to Quiapo.”

I looked at him. He looked at the way going to Quiapo.

“Hey, I thought you’re to Cubao?”

He stared at me blankly. Then, he smiled again. (I never believed in “killer smile”. But I guess killer smiles do exist in dreams. Haha)

I couldn’t stand his dazzling smile so I looked away. And slowly, I said goodbye.
I walked away. But deep down, I was hoping he’d follow me.

Then suddenly, reality came in.

That dream was so clear, yet so obscure.

I ignored it but it was bothering me. I couldn’t understand why. It was just a silly dream. The genre? ROMANTIC COMEDY. Haha!

But now, I found the reason.

I don’t know where is that place in my dream. But I’m sure about one thing, it was crossroads.

I met a good looking man who looked so nice and decent, but he was not.
He said he wanted to go with me, he did.. but not for long.
He asked for direction, I gave it.. but he didn’t follow.

In life, it is just like this. People come, people go. And there will come a special one who would go your way, but couldn’t stand the reality of righteousness so he gives up. Another one will just bluff you, pretending he’s following but actually he’s not. And another is just totally insane

But I guess I’m more insane. Because no matter what happens, in the end, I’m still hoping he would follow even if he’s the wrong one.

And now as I remember, I smile.. I actually even laugh. 

That dream is so real.

And do you know what part I love the most? 

The ending.

I bid goodbye. I walked away.



( No matter what happens, just pursue the right way and you will never go wrong. )
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