A speaker once said, "When your friend is feeling down and lonely, just give him/her an encouragement with a smile."

Have you ever had a friend who’s so down? A friend who seems to have all the problems in the world? Who seems to commit suicide anytime? Who seems to blow up the next time you utter a word? Who seems to have all the tears in the whole universe?

Have you? And so if you do, you know for sure how difficult it is. It is indeed one of the most difficult situations to handle. That situation that you feel like you’re also carrying those problems they have. That almost-so-funny situation that you also just wanna burst into tears because you feel like you don’t know any single word to say and you feel like you’ve lost your tongue. That awkward situation when you just stare at your friend while they’re crying. How awful.

But you know what? When you’ve surpassed that situation, you can rightfully say by then that you are indeed a ‘friend’. Haha! What a test!

But well, sometimes I’m wondering, what can we really do for our friends during those down moments? Yeah of course we sit by their side, we listen, we cry with them, we hug them. But I can’t stop thinking if that’s all we’ve got as friends. I keep on wondering if that’s all we can offer.

I kept on thinking until one day I’ve got something. You wanna know what? Well, a friend of mine followed what the speaker said.. 'Give an encouragement with a smile'.. and my friend gave it in a weirdy-crazy way that makes me laugh everytime it knocks on my head. Haha!

Well, encouragement is easy to say sometimes, especially when you’ll say it to a crazy-problematic friend. But what’s difficult is to make that encouragement go straight to their brain and make their heart digest it. I bet you can tell how difficult it is, right? Haha. Most of the time, you just want to quit and leave your friend. But because you love your friend, even if you’re already disgusted, you’ll stay.. right?

It’s pretty difficult to encourage a friend who has tons of problems. But just a reminder, even if you’re a friend, it’s not your role to solve them. It’s never your role to get into the way and take it on your own. Problems make people sad. They make us think too much. They make us different sometimes. They make our world heavier. And that’s the time when a friend comes in.. to make the heavy world lighter.

So since encouragement is difficult to give.. then put a smile on it.. and do it in a li'l creative-crazy way...Encouragement will not be guaranteed, but a smile on the face will surely be.. ;)

Are you down my friend? Here’s something for you…

Sometimes, a crying heart doesn’t need words of wisdom.
it just need a lifter.. a balancer..
to make things lighter and brighter.
Sometimes, you don’t really have to bother your lips.
You just need a piece of paper, a pen, a little effort
and a touch from the heart...
simple and perfect :)

(and oh, don't mind the paper and handwriting, it's the effort that counts. haha!)

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